Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ladytron's Gravity the Seducer on Spotify Today!

Ladytron's 5th studio album, Gravity the Seducer, due to be released in the US on September 13th by Nettwerk was released on Spotify today!

This was especially exciting for me as I got to do a bunch of facebook ads and other social media work to help promote their upcoming album tour and track the release while interning at Nettwerk this past summer, which I documented over at Summerphones.

After the initial release of opening track "White Elephant", as well as "Ace of Hz" and "Ambulances", it was awesome to hear the album from start to finish. The right mix of trance, electronic ambience, and haunting vocals make this album worth a listen. The album allows for a lot of space between the listener and the vocalist, sounding haunting and beautiful.

In continuing their trend of darker themes, there is something incredibly creepy and somewhat forbidden sounding about the album. If the video for "White Elephant" didn't make the foreboding clear, I don't know what does. Perhaps, however, "90 Degrees" is my favorite track with its minor, descending chord progression and synth-y strings.

I'm certainly awaiting the tour, and can't wait to see Ladytron at The Vic on October 4th. Check out the rest of the tour dates on their website.


Kara Ali

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