Hey All!
Sorry it's been a while since I've been on here! I've been making some big plans, both for my music and for finishing out my time here at Northwestern.
As of last week, I have accepted an internship with Warner Brother Records, which will allow me to return to NY for January through the spring to finish out my credits!

Meanwhile, I have been beefing up all of my social media, and continuing to record and write songs with my producer friend Ken Ross and am hoping to have some new tracks out by January! With my music continuing to evolve and taking a bit of a turn toward R&B and Jazz sensibility, I'm incredibly excited about what we've been working on. My first two EPs, "Time Grasp" and "Lake Michigan's Chill" are now available for stream on Spotify as well as for purchase on iTunes.
I also did a photoshoot a few weeks back with the one and only Justin Barbin. He really had an interesting take on my image and we were able to come up with some beautiful photos seen in this post. You check out some more on my facebook page!
As I make plans to move back to NY, I will not only be interning, but of course continuing to make music, linking back up with my buddies at Soundwaves and their new venue 10th Street Live, and finishing out a few last gigs here with The Cables. We will be playing for Chicago Acoustic Underground with full bellies the Monday after Thanksgiving Weekend and planning a few more last gigs.
Stay tuned for a video for "Until Tomorrow's Day" dropping later this week. Shot and edited on the RED by my dear, talented friend Rebecca Montag!
Kara Ali